12th fail Review – Hidden Real Story 2023

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“12th fail Review”, “12th Fail” is a Bollywood movie released in 2020. The film revolves around the life of its protagonist, Raja, a student who fails his 12th-grade exams. After this setback, Raja faces numerous challenges and strives to improve his life. The movie portrays Raja’s journey as he takes steps toward realizing his dreams.

“12th Fail” is an inspirational story that can motivate viewers. It underscores the idea that everyone faces ups and downs in life but, with hard work and determination, it is possible to reach one’s goals. If you enjoy motivational stories, this film can serve as a source of inspiration.

Main GenreDrama
Released Date10 August 2023
Duration2h 27m
Original CountryIndia
Original LanguageHindi
Rating9.3/10 IMDb
Budget ₹10 crore
EarningRs 21.55 crore
Hit Song
Famous Dialogues

12th fail Cast

  • Vikrant Massey as Manoj Kumar Sharma
  • Medha Shankar as Shraddha Joshi
  • Anant V Joshi as Pritam Pandey
  • Anshumaan Pushkar as Gauri Bhaiya
  • Priyanshu Chatterjee as DSP Dushyant Singh
  • Geeta Aggarwal Sharma as Manoj’s mother
  • Harish Khanna as Manoj’s father
  • Sarita Joshi as Dadi
  • Sanjay Bishnoi as Naval
  • Dr. Vikas Divyakirti as himself
  • Vijay Kumar Dogra as Sundar
  • Perry Chhabra as Rajini
  • Darius Chinoy as Mr. Solanki

12th fail Crew

  • Director:- Vidhu Vinod Chopra
  • Producer:- Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Yogesh Ishwar
  • Writer:- Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Jaskunwar Kohli, Anurag Pathak, Aayush Saxena
  • Cinematography:- Rangarajan, Ramabadran
  • Music:- Shantanu Moitra
  • Editing:- Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Jaskunwar Kohli
  • Costume Design:- Malvika Bajaj
  • Production Design:- Prashant Bidkar
  • Art Direction:- Hemant Wagh
  • Visual Effects:- Navin Anchan, Maninder Singh, Kailas Tendulkar

12th fail Official Teaser Trailer (2023)

source:- 12th fail Official Teaser Trailer

The Plot And Storyline – 12th fail Review

A Journey from Failure to Triumph

“12th fail Review:, The movie “12th Fail” takes us on a compelling journey, tracing the life of the young protagonist, Manoj Kumar Sharma. It all begins with Manoj’s failure in his 12th board exams, setting the stage for a remarkable story of personal growth and determination.

Confronting Adversity

“12th fail Review”, Manoj, a Hindi medium student from a rustic background, is faced with the harsh reality of his situation. He has limited monetary resources and a language barrier to overcome. The decrepit atta chakki, where he finds employment, serves as a symbolic backdrop for his relentless struggle. It’s here that he immerses himself in his exam preparations, fully aware that hard work is his only path to success.

A Commitment to Honesty

In a world where cheating is the norm, Manoj stands out as an exception. Encouraged by a deputy superintendent of police, he decides to maintain his integrity, choosing honesty over expediency. This decision sets the tone for the film’s overarching theme of integrity and the battle against corruption.

Friendship and Inspiration

“12th fail Review”, As Manoj navigates the challenging path of UPSC examinations, he crosses paths with Shraddha, a determined young woman who has abandoned her medical studies to pursue a career as a bureaucrat. Her presence in Manoj’s life serves as a source of inspiration and support, helping him overcome self-doubt and adversity.

A Tribute to Upright Bureaucrats

“12th Fail” is a tribute to those bureaucrats who steadfastly uphold their principles in the face of temptation and corruption within the administrative system. The film highlights the importance of individuals who are committed to serving the nation and upholding the Constitution.

Unwavering Perseverance

“12th fail Review”, Manoj’s journey is characterized by unwavering perseverance. Despite facing countless challenges and juggling multiple responsibilities, he continues to work towards his dream. His story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination.

12th fail Review

What’s the Core of the Story ? – Themes Explored

A Grueling Journey Begins

The film revolves around a young man, a struggling Hindi medium student, embarking on a journey from a lawless Chambal village to the apex of the Indian police force. He confronts numerous daunting roadblocks on his path, mirroring the real challenges aspirants face in the Indian Civil Services examinations.

A Realistic Portrayal

“12th fail Review”, What sets “12th Fail” apart is its realistic portrayal of characters. Unlike larger-than-life Bollywood personas, the characters in this film are relatable and grounded. Anshumaan Pushkar as Gauri Bhaiya and Sam Mohan as Deep Mohan provide limited yet effective narratives. Anant Vijay Joshi’s portrayal of Manoj’s friend is noteworthy, and Geeta Agarwal’s performance as Manoj’s mother adds depth to the story.

The Decrepit Atta Chakki: Symbol of Struggle

The protagonist’s journey commences in a dim and dispiriting grain-grinding mill. Here, he finds employment as he prepares for a life-changing exam. Born into rustic surroundings, Hindi is his sole language, and he struggles with limited financial resources.

The Protagonist – Manoj’s Journey

“12th fail Review”, The story revolves around Manoj, brilliantly portrayed by Vikrant Massey, a young man from Bilgaon in Chambal, facing the struggles of a lower middle-class family. Manoj’s journey to becoming an IPS Officer is a remarkable one, filled with determination and the indomitable spirit to rise above his circumstances.

Manoj Kumar Sharma: The Underdog Hero

Amidst multiple social handicaps and a language barrier, he vows not to return home until he earns the right to don a police officer’s uniform. “12th Fail” vividly portrays the true story of an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, offering a relatable narrative without resorting to excesses.

Shraddha’s Inspirational Journey

“12th fail Review”, The film intertwines Manoj’s experiences with the story of Shraddha, a Mussoorie girl. She, too, is navigating the complex realm of civil services exams. Shraddha’s determination mirrors Manoj’s, as she aspires to make a real difference in the lives of those deprived of their rights.

Love and Friendship Tested

“12th Fail” isn’t just about aspirations; it’s a story of love and friendship tested by life’s challenges. Manoj’s decision not to cheat, despite the peer pressure, reflects the film’s tribute to bureaucrats who shun corruption.

Choosing Honesty over Expediency

“12th fail Review”, This movie sheds light on the lower rungs of the bureaucratic ladder, where Manoj’s father takes a principled stand against corruption, leading to his dismissal. Manoj, armed with his grandmother’s savings, embarks on a journey to Delhi, determined to pursue his dreams with integrity.

A Mentor’s Guidance

In the chaotic world of Delhi, Manoj finds guidance in Pritam Pandey, a fellow civil services aspirant, and Gauri Bhaiyya, who becomes a friend and mentor. Manoj’s relentless pursuit of knowledge leads him to menial jobs, including working at an atta chakki.

Balancing Act: Work, Studies, and Family

“12th fail Review”, Manoj’s journey is marked by unending chaos and uncertainty, but his unwavering perseverance and dedication shine through. He balances long work hours, exam preparation, and his family’s reliance on his earnings.

A Powerful Narrative Unfolds

“12th Fail” may appear simple on the surface, but the film’s masterful direction ensures it never loses momentum. It navigates through the trials and tribulations that Manoj faces, delivering a powerful narrative that resonates with audiences.

The Importance of Upright Bureaucrats

This film emphasizes the need for upright bureaucrats and policemen in India. It champions individuals who uphold the Constitution’s principles and remain committed to public welfare.

Stellar Performances on Screen

“12th fail Review”, Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar deliver stellar performances, bringing the characters to life. The entire cast, both major and minor, stay true to the film’s purpose and captivate the audience.

12th fail Review

key Moments – Important Scenes In Movie

Manoj’s Decision to Pursue Civil Services:

  • “12th fail Review”, Manoj’s life-changing decision sets the tone for the entire film, emphasizing his determination to break free from his rustic background and achieve his dream of becoming an IPS officer.
  • This moment highlights the overarching theme of the film, which is the relentless pursuit of one’s goals, even in the face of adversity.
  • It establishes Manoj as the central character and protagonist, and the audience immediately connects with his aspirations and the challenges he will face.

Working at the Atta Chakki:

  • Manoj’s employment at the atta chakki symbolizes the grit and determination he embodies. It showcases the stark contrast between his humble beginnings and his ambitious goals.
  • The dark, dispiriting atmosphere of the mill represents the challenges he must overcome, including social handicaps and financial constraints.
  • This scene serves as a visual metaphor for the grueling grind that civil services aspirants endure, emphasizing the importance of hard work.

Shraddha’s Aspirations:

  • “12th fail Review”, Shraddha’s introduction adds depth to the narrative by highlighting the presence of another determined character who shares similar aspirations.
  • Her commitment to becoming a bureaucrat and making a difference reflects the broader theme of public service and integrity.
  • The scene establishes her as a key character who will play a role in Manoj’s journey and provide emotional support.

Manoj’s Father’s Stand Against Corruption:

  • This moment portrays the family’s commitment to principles and integrity, setting the stage for Manoj’s own dedication to honesty.
  • It introduces the idea that ethical choices have consequences, both positive and negative, which is a recurring theme in the film.
  • Ramveer’s decision to stand against corruption and injustice foreshadows Manoj’s own resolve to maintain integrity.

Manoj’s Arrival in Delhi:

  • Manoj’s arrival in Delhi is a turning point that emphasizes the challenges faced by individuals from rural backgrounds when navigating an unfamiliar urban environment.
  • It conveys the initial disorientation and vulnerability he experiences in the bustling city, which underscores his determination to adapt and succeed.
  • The stolen suitcase incident showcases the initial obstacles he must overcome in his pursuit of his dreams.

Mentorship from Pritam Pandey:

  • “12th fail Review”, The mentorship scenes highlight the importance of guidance and support in Manoj’s journey, underscoring the significance of mentorship in the film.
  • Pritam Pandey and Gauri Bhaiyya become pivotal figures in Manoj’s life, providing not only practical assistance but also emotional strength.
  • These scenes depict the sense of camaraderie and the exchange of knowledge among aspirants, emphasizing the importance of community in achieving success.

Balancing Act:

  • Manoj’s daily schedule, balancing work, studies, and family responsibilities, showcases his extraordinary dedication and determination.
  • It highlights the sacrifices he makes, working long hours at the atta chakki to support himself and his family while preparing for the UPSC exams.
  • This scene reflects the film’s theme of perseverance in the face of adversity and the immense effort required to achieve one’s goals.

Manoj’s Commitment to Honesty:

  • Manoj’s decision not to cheat during the exams demonstrates his unwavering commitment to honesty and ethical conduct, even in a culture of widespread cheating.
  • This pivotal choice defines his character and serves as a moral compass throughout the narrative, resonating with the film’s message of integrity.
  • It emphasizes the value of standing firm in one’s principles, even in challenging circumstances.

The Climactic UPSC Exams:

  • “12th fail Review”, The UPSC exam scenes build tension and anticipation as they represent the culmination of Manoj’s years of hard work and preparation.
  • They emphasize the high-stakes nature of the civil services exams and the pressure faced by aspirants.
  • These scenes serve as the climax of the narrative, showcasing whether Manoj’s efforts will lead to success.

Celebrating Upright Bureaucrats:

  • The film’s conclusion celebrates the importance of bureaucrats and police officers who uphold the principles of the Constitution, emphasizing their role in society.
  • It conveys the film’s message that the nation needs individuals who prioritize public service over corruption.
  • This scene reinforces the film’s central themes of integrity, public welfare, and the need for ethical individuals in positions of power.
12th fail Review

Impact Of Movie

Inspiration and Empowerment:

  • “12th Fail” has a profound impact on its audience by inspiring them through the story of Manoj Kumar Sharma’s relentless pursuit of his dream. It encourages viewers to chase their aspirations despite adversities.
  • The film empowers individuals, particularly youth, by showcasing that hard work, determination, and integrity can lead to success. It sends a message that one’s background should not limit their ambitions.

Ethical Values and Integrity:

  • “12th fail Review”, The movie strongly emphasizes ethical values and integrity, particularly through Manoj’s commitment to honesty during the exams. It encourages viewers to make ethical choices, even when surrounded by temptation.
  • It highlights the significance of individuals who uphold the principles of the Constitution and prioritize public welfare over corruption, leaving a lasting impact on the audience’s moral compass.

Resilience and Perseverance:

  • “12th fail Review”, The movie underscores the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. It leaves a lasting impact by showing that hard work and dedication can overcome even the most challenging circumstances.
  • Viewers are likely to take away a message of determination and resilience, applying it to their own struggles and challenges in life.

Role Models and Upright Bureaucrats:

  • “12th Fail” presents Manoj as a relatable and admirable role model. It encourages the audience to look up to individuals who prioritize ethics and public service.
  • The film emphasizes the need for upright bureaucrats and police officers, potentially influencing viewers to support and appreciate those who work with integrity in these roles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is “12th Fail” based on a true story?

Yes, “12th Fail” is inspired by the true story of an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer. It offers a realistic portrayal of the challenges and journey of the officer, emphasizing the importance of hard work and integrity.

What is the message conveyed by the film “12th Fail”?

The film conveys a powerful message about the significance of ethical values, integrity, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. It celebrates individuals who uphold the principles of the Constitution and prioritize public welfare over corruption.

Who are the standout performers in “12th Fail”?

Vikrant Massey, who plays the lead role of Manoj Kumar Sharma, and Medha Shankar, who portrays Shraddha, are the standout performers in the film. Their compelling performances bring depth to the characters and the narrative.

How does “12th Fail” depict the challenges faced by civil services aspirants?

The movie vividly portrays the challenges faced by civil services aspirants, including the pressure of rigorous exams, social handicaps, and financial constraints. It offers an authentic portrayal of the demanding journey aspirants must undertake.

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